Big B: I have played on that 43座停車場傷殘人士鐵斜台 too. I guess every kid in the neighbour has... I remember that 鐵斜台 was made out of solid metal and it felt very hot when we touched it in the summer time... Sorry... I don't think I have a picture of it... But I have the next best things...which I will be sending to 慈雲山人 to upload later... Keep an eye on this blog! ^_^
Big B: Hi! 慈雲山人 & 43座325室人... I have just received some new photos (Not edc's), which might surprise you... Will email to 慈雲山人 soon... Hope everyone will be happy with these photos!! ^_^
回覆刪除早前在此blog中與網主提及在43與44座之間的停車場有一鐵斜台是供給紅十字會的傷殘人士上車之用,我們兒時愛在此鐵斜台遊玩,飲恨兒時家境清貧,沒有拍照的工具,不知BIG B兄有沒有拍下這類相片?
回覆刪除Big B: I have played on that 43座停車場傷殘人士鐵斜台 too. I guess every kid in the neighbour has... I remember that 鐵斜台 was made out of solid metal and it felt very hot when we touched it in the summer time... Sorry... I don't think I have a picture of it... But I have the next best things...which I will be sending to 慈雲山人 to upload later... Keep an eye on this blog! ^_^
回覆刪除BIG B 兄:謝謝你的分享~~~
回覆刪除43座停車場傷殘人士鐵斜台我都經常去玩, 最鍾意爬上去再跳落地!
回覆刪除Big B: Hi! 慈雲山人 & 43座325室人... I have just received some new photos (Not edc's), which might surprise you... Will email to 慈雲山人 soon... Hope everyone will be happy with these photos!! ^_^